WWE News And WWE Network
News For WWE And WWE Network
World Wrestling Entertainment,inc also know as WWE globally is American entertainment company,its a company that runs for professional wrestlers.Recently WWE is not only know for entertainment in terms of wrestling they also deals on Movies,real estate and other business ventures that runs like wrestling.When the name of wrestling is mentioned WWE is the first company that will be called upon because since its creation it has served as astounding and recommended wrestling company,they have many companies that runs and specializes in wrestling but WWE is seen as the number one leading own.
The company is owned and established by two American Duos Toots Mondt and Jesse McMahon in the year 1952,but the first name that was given to it is Capital wrestling cooperation.Records has shown us that its the largest wrestling promotion on earth.
Many people who are asking what the company is all about will get the full gist here, and you can as well be a member or participant if you wants to be a professional wrestler through this means,all you have to do is to read the following.
WWE is a wrestling company that is seen as not legitimate contests,its purely and recommended entertainment based,many question is going on whether the contests is legitimate own but we are made to know through here that everything they are doing there is purely entertainment,its not real like the way we are viewing it.
The CEO and the person that it 42% ownership of the company brought it up in the year 1989 as pure entertainment ,Vince McMahon.The company also posses alot products and their product is branded as sports entertainment.
The name was changed in the year 2005 from World Wrestling Cooperation to World Wrestling entertainment.
According to the company whenever you are signed with them you cant appear in any other entertainment company or event.All the talents that they signed cant appear or contest in any wrestling company except its a well signed and approved one from the company.Most other wrestling company shows and discloses the payment for their wrestlers but its not so here,they keep the wrestlers salaries,benefits and employment length private to the person and to the company.
When you are signed with them they don't see you as a employee rather you are a contractor with them.
For anyone that wants to join or be participant with the company have to undergo their training first in other to be acquainted with their way of wrestling,and mind you as a trainer you will be on salary,and anytime you are about leaving the training ground to become a professional fighter you are meant to go some certain test to know whether you are qualified or not.
To be a member is very easy,just try to read up to know what is applicable for people that wants to join with company or work with them too.
WWE wrestlers.
Here is the list of some of the company contractors or wrestlers,most people who are asking the names of their contractors can see it below here.Triple H.
John Cena.
Stone Cold.
Bret Hart.
Hulk Hogan.
Shawn Michael.
CM punk.
Kurt Angel.
Daniel Bryan.
Randy Orton.
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